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Caren For Family (React Native)

Environment confirmation​

In React Native template application, please setup environment follow React Native environment setup guide first.

Then to confirm all setup is ok, please execute command below to verify.

$ yarn -v

$ node -v

$ npm -v

If you are using MacOS and work with iOS, please check your XCode is latest version.

$ /usr/bin/xcodebuild -version
Xcode 13.2.1
Build version 13C100

Run in development​

cd <react-native-project-root>
yarn install

If you are using npm without yarn

cd <react-native-project-root>
npm install

Then, start Metro with command below

npx react-native start

Finally start simulator with command below

react-native run-android

If you develop with iOS application

react-native run-ios

File structure​

- __tests__/
- android/ # ReactNative default android files
- ios/ # ReactNative default iOS files
- assets/ # Image asset files
- components/ # React Components
- constants/ # Project constant files
- hooks/ # React hooks
- i18n/ # Internationalization files
- navigation/ # React native navigation
- src/ # Project screens
- styles/ # Project styles
- utils/ # Helper files
- App.tsx
- ThemeContext.tsx
- CreditCardContext.tsx
- index.js
- babel.config.js
- metro.config.js # Metro config
- package.json # Node packages
- react-native-web-refresh-control.d.ts
- react-native.config.js
- tsconfig.json # Typescript config


Thank for your purchase, feel free to contact with us if you have any trouble when install application.


Thank you!